1. Distributor can issue stock multiple times without reconciliation
Previously, stock issuance was restricted until reconciliation was completed for the previous stock. With this update, distributors can issue stock multiple times without requiring reconciliation of a prior issue. This enables uninterrupted stock availability for Van sales teams without needing to reconcile every time. Distributors/Warehouse will have a clear view on inventory value & receivables from Van sales users.
2. Ready stock users can now return part stock anytime to supply point
Van sales teams can now return unsold stock to distributors at any time. This feature ensures better control over what a user carries catering to that day’s requirement, optimizes space in the vehicle, and helps distributors process customer returns more efficiently. These returns will reflect immediately in the system, maintaining up-to-date inventory records providing distributors with accurate visibility of stock with these users.
3. DMS users can now collect payment against user level
To enhance payment collection and tracking, we have introduced a user-level payment ledger for DMS users. This provides easiness into marking payments as collected on day close. This will make it easy for DMS users to drive reconciliation from the system itself, saving their time.
4. Ready stock users can now request for stock & accept stock issued to them through sales team app
Van sales users can now initiate stock requests directly from the sales team app giving instant visibility on requirements to the warehouse. Sales teams can create stock requests with details on required SKU quantities.
With an additional configuration, vans sales users can get an option of stock acceptance. It will only add to their inventory once the user confirms an issue in the app. Both distributors and Van users can track the status of stock requests and issues in real time, ensuring complete visibility.
5. Usable returns from customers can now be used to make sales
With this update, a configuration has been introduced to automatically add customer returns marked as "usable" to the Van sales user’s inventory, making them available for resale then & there. This feature maximizes sales against available stock in the vehicle.
6. DMS users can now issue stock directly against supply orders
Distributors can now issue stock directly against supply orders. The system calculates the total required stock for selected supply orders, simplifying the issuance process. Additionally, distributors can manually add extra SKUs beyond the supply order requirements in the same transaction. This can help a user act as supply vehicle & ready stock sales team user at the same time.
7. Ready stock users can now carry inventory of multiple distributors/partners
Van sales users can now have inventory from multiple distributors. Users can check available stock in the vehicle for different distributors.
8. Delivery teams can also be configured in BeatRoute now
BeatRoute now supports the creation and management of delivery teams, enabling distributors to assign delivery tasks and track fulfillment progress. Delivery tasks are automatically created in the schedule of users whom these orders are assigned for delivery. Stock assigned for these orders is locked for other sales but remains a part of total available inventory.